Happy Holiday. Bring along your sunblock, the weather is real hot and sunny. 版主回覆:(07/24/2010 01:59:02 PM) Thanks. It gets sunny in the morning and thunderstorm in the afternoon for almonst everyday I stayed there.
玩得開心, 食得肥肥白白回來吧 XD 版主回覆:(07/20/2010 01:11:22 PM) 只會黑,不會白呀! ^^
玩得開心嗎?陽光與海灘, 有冇踏單車呀? 版主回覆:(07/20/2010 01:11:41 PM) 很開心! 單是坐在池畔hea上半天已是很好的享受. 沒有踏單車,因為實在太熱.
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Happy Holiday. Bring along your sunblock, the weather is real hot and sunny.
版主回覆:(07/24/2010 01:59:02 PM)
Thanks. It gets sunny in the morning and thunderstorm in the afternoon for almonst everyday I stayed there.
玩得開心, 食得肥肥白白回來吧 XD
版主回覆:(07/20/2010 01:11:22 PM)
只會黑,不會白呀! ^^
玩得開心嗎?陽光與海灘, 有冇踏單車呀?
版主回覆:(07/20/2010 01:11:41 PM)
很開心! 單是坐在池畔hea上半天已是很好的享受. 沒有踏單車,因為實在太熱.