香港美食 – 近又 (Closed)






最失望的是廣島蠔,和 Tonkichi 比是天與地之別,此蠔毫不飽滿,味道鹹而不鮮,個子又小,就算真是廣島來的,亦只能是三等貨色。



死心了。要吃炸物,在香港只有 Tonkichi。

地址:旺角朗豪坊 11 樓 13 號舖
電話:2363 6633 / 2332 6868

香港美食 - 龍鳳廚坊
香港美食 - 小臣的生日宴@壽司廣


  1. 回覆
    薑C 2010 年 07 月 09 日

    "精挑細選出來的喪屍"…2~請左禾D同鄉BO WA KA KA
    版主回覆:(07/08/2010 02:56:50 PM)

  2. 回覆
    Champagne 2010 年 07 月 12 日

    I missed the one I had when I was in Tokyo. Guess have to fly there to eat the authentic one. Expensive meal.
    版主回覆:(07/10/2010 08:10:55 AM)
    Tonkichi in Causeway Bay / TST is very authentic, even better than some of those chain shops in Japan.

  3. 回覆
    champagne 2010 年 07 月 12 日

    Thanks, wl be there in hong kong pretty soon to try out most food. And the name will be Tonkichi? I can just google and find more details? Causeway bay will be better for me.
    版主回覆:(07/12/2010 01:41:28 PM)
    Yes, just type Tonkichi in Google and you will find a lot of info. The CWB shop is at Shop 412, World Trade Square.

  4. 回覆
    wisely 2010 年 07 月 15 日

    Can’t agree more that Tonkichi is the best in town. I also agree that it’s even better than many shop in Japan!
    版主回覆:(07/13/2010 03:03:42 PM)
    I tried a number of these in Japan and were disappointed. The standard set by Tonkichi is high.


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