

那麼這份報告書說了什麼,讓他們這麼興奮?有興趣的請按此細閱。這份由紀常會(紀律人員薪俸及服務條件常務委員會)負責的檢討報告書,主要建議是加添增薪點,以及把薪級表簡化;簡單來說,就是讓一些本來到了頂薪點的公僕可以繼續加薪。不熟悉公務員增薪制度的朋友,可能不知道我們這些人民公僕每年除了跟隨市場趨勢調整薪酬外(當然大部份時間是加薪),還可以不論表現向上跳一個增薪點(所謂「跳 Point」),享受大約三個百分點左右的增薪。所謂增加增薪點,就是把頂點提高,於是沒有能力晉升的,依然可以年年加薪,讓我們這些在外面風大雨大的商業世界「捱騾仔」的小市民恨得牙癢癢。



當然公務員經常說經濟好的時候,在外面打工可以分紅,而且有能力者可以很快晉升,不過他們沒有想過有「好天收埋落雨柴」這回事,也不提沒有被裁壓力、減薪比別人慢、年年有 Point 跳、退休有保障等的絕佳福利。至於削減開支、凍結人手、增強效率這些變成我們生活一部份的事情,他們居然當是苦差,說是「工作壓力沉重」!不思進取沒級升的,亦成為受害者,所以會「士氣低落」,他們大概以為晉升就像放監一樣,年期滿了便會自然發生,所以到了頂薪點沒有額外增薪,就是社會欠了他們。事實上警隊除了初級警員外,自然流失率幾乎等於零,便可知他們的所謂不滿,根本就是不知足。


時評 - 公投投甚麼?


  1. 回覆
    galaxy 2009 年 06 月 21 日

    當年我都有考警察, 後來可以搵番本行,所以沒有去警察面試。
    下星期一開始,我們亦會罷工, 都唔知會罷幾耐,慘~~~無收入 !
    版主回覆:(06/22/2009 01:48:02 PM)

  2. 回覆
    C H 2009 年 06 月 21 日

    借用信報林行止的名句: "香港公務員理直氣壯, 貪得無厭", 人工高, 福利多, 工作少, 壓力低, 還要多多要求, 視全港私營机構納稅人為羊牯。 君見私營机構無論高、中、低職員很多做到殘的樣子, 相反公務員多是飬尊处优的樣子已說明一切。那些口口声声說待遇及私營的公務員, 請以行动表示, 盡快離開政府, 很多人包括我在內願意八折甚至五折支薪填補你的空缺。
    版主回覆:(06/21/2009 07:52:59 AM)

  3. 回覆
    policedogwillbite 2009 年 06 月 25 日

    plainly hatred
    版主回覆:(06/21/2009 02:20:05 PM)
    You are free to put up your arguments. A simple statement like this won’t help.

  4. 回覆
    policedogwillbite 2009 年 06 月 25 日

    who needs help anyway. well, there is little debate that the job nature of police is unique and i utterly disagree that its pay should correspond to that of the private market, simply saying orange to apple. it is not making any sense form the outset…under the given circumstance, police to ask for anything is like fighting with one hand tied, is unfair, if not being bullied.
    版主回覆:(06/25/2009 04:54:53 AM)
    Not sure if everyone would share your view. I can also say that engineers’ jobs are unique and are so important that deserve the world’s best income.

  5. 回覆
    policedogwillbite 2009 年 06 月 25 日

    yes i am police officer, and i am not on duty now, in case you concern taxpayers money wrongly spend…haha
    版主回覆:(06/25/2009 01:21:30 PM)
    Well, I think I am more concerned about the EPD officers – they spend half of their working hours on porn sites !

  6. 回覆
    policedogwillbite 2009 年 06 月 25 日

    to be frank, to cut expenses, the idiotic undersecretaries should first be sacked, maybe except leung cheuk wai
    版主回覆:(06/25/2009 01:19:39 PM)
    Yes at least we have one common view!!

  7. 回覆
    CH 2009 年 06 月 26 日

    I totally agree that disciplinary forces including police should get higher pay than routine office job. However, that doesn’t mean their pay should be twice or more than people with similar qualification in the private sector, not to mention the over generous benefits such as pension, housing, 40 + days annual leave, free medical care etc. In fact, the civil force is, in my view, at least 50% over paid. Police work may be unique but you can compare your package with police forces in other countries. Look at USA, Singapore and China. I think it’s much more dangerous as policemen in USA or China because guns and ammunitions are common in these countries. However, I don’t think their pay are as high as HK police, relative to private sector. Singapore is very similar to HK. Look at their civil servants including police’s package. Are you aware that Singapore govt cut almost 20% of their salary not long ago to 共渡時艱. On the opposite, HK civil servants 自持人多勢眾, 趁火打劫以自肥. 但因議員恐失選票, 社会知名人士也怕得罪公務員, 令公務員更加有恃無恐地提出更多自肥要求. 請問公務員流失率是多少? 看看多少人申請公務員職位便知事实勝於雄辯, 請勿告訴我你知道政府曾建議大学生 4000元实習, 最近又提議 9000, 為什麽警員入職万五,六, 更遑論督察. All private sector employees are exploited by means of heavy indirect taxes, especially land cost, to serve their so called "your obedient servants". in fact, in 10 years time, because of the ageing problem, the govt coffer will shrink gradually. As a result, I foresee more taxes, e.g. sales tax, would be introduced to satisfy the civil servants’ greed.

  8. 回覆
    C H 2009 年 06 月 26 日

    請看明報社評, 擲地有声, 盡道有牌爛仔如何趁火打劫

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    policedogwillbite有牌爛仔 2009 年 06 月 26 日

    different views respected. anyway, police job is not for everyone and not anyone is made for this job. its natural one fights for his/her benefits, long as within legal boundaries. its sad to be called 有牌爛仔…i have put murderers behind bars for life, i have arrested robbers, burglars, child molesters, i have played 爛仔with triads risking my career, i am on call 24/7, i have never been rude to any civilian and i teach my troops not to, i pay a lot of tax, i have never brided a dime, many places i cannot go, many people i cannot mingle with…we clean up all the mess when other depts fail…its even sadder that the safety of the entire city rests on 有牌爛仔. i guess its fair to say its safe to walk alone on the street of hk in the middle of the night, not too many citizens in the world have this luxury, in particular usa.

  10. 回覆
    carjaswong 2009 年 06 月 26 日

    多謝兩位的意見, 我想大家都有怨氣, 能夠理性討論, 是我們這個社會的可愛之處.

  11. 回覆
    C H 2009 年 06 月 27 日

    You have my salute if you are a good policeman. However, that doesn’t change the fact you are quite if not very overpaid. Pls put forward your arguments and provide logical and sensible answers to my questions. What’s your feedback on 明報’s 社評. I think it’s a very good critique and represents many middle class educated people’s view. It’s pinpointing on the attitude and behaviour of the whole police force. A good policeman like you would not change the fact that "优秀警隊" 趁火打劫. I will support your view only when the turnover rate of the police/civil services is higher than the private sector and very few people are interested in govt/police jobs.
    You said USA’s law and order is not good. Why don’t you compare with Singapore, Japan, New Zealand or even Thailand. I think their law and order are as good if not better than HK’s. I am sure their police’s pay, relative to the private sector, is significantly lower than their HK counterpart’s.
    The taxes you and I paid go to the govt’s coffer. The difference is that my salary is not paid by the govt. I could go to restaurant B if I think restaurant A is too expensive, but can I choose not to pay or pay less tax? I don’t object paying tax but it must be reasonable and money well-spent. Can you tell me why the govt requested the private sector to implement the MPF scheme in around 2000 but the disciplinary forces todate still offer pension terms to new recruits? One word, all humans are equal, but some are more equal than others.
    版主回覆:(06/25/2009 01:21:00 PM)
    CH 道出了大部份非公務員中產的心聲,我們讚成警隊是高質素(我不會說是高效率,因為我見識過他們的架構),但不等於要無止境的滿足他們的不合理要求.

  12. 回覆
    policedogwillbite 2009 年 06 月 28 日

    well, no need to salute me, pay your respects to those KIA police and firefighters is good enough for me.
    you really want police officers come and go like japanese prime ministers? i wonder what would do to the stability of the society. job security and personnel retention are designed policies, intended to serve the aforesaid purpose, amongst others.
    a recent international study (i can dig out the name if you want) shows japanese police continues to be more corrupted than hk, not to mention thailand, corruption-free does not come with no costs. i have lived in nz for years, you will be surprised by their insufficiency. sigapore police force i have also visited officially, i only wished to have their benefit package, workload and the minimal, if not none, public scrutiny.
    MPF was introduced to new recruits many years ago, pension is history, so as 40+ days annual leave.
    maybe you should at least get the facts right before putting forward your arguments, my educated friend.
    not all man are created equal, one’s 不合理要求 is another’s livelihood.
    趁火打劫you may think, constitutional rights it actually is.


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