音樂 – 說一首好歌(二):Subculture

    <Subculture> 是 New Order 在八五年十一月出版的單曲,是大碟《Low-Life》抽出來的第二張。我認識這首歌是則好幾年後,當時黃嘉豪先生在《Music Bus》一篇介紹《Low-Life》的文章,深深地打動了深具灰色人生觀的我,於是便去租了這張唱片聽,自此成為 New Order 的粉絲。

New Order 在《Low-Life》找到他們的路向,以他們身上流著 Joy Division 的後崩血液,配上另類搖滾的樂器彈奏,再加上舞池音樂的電音節拍,塑造出一種在當年新浪潮音樂所欠缺的氣質,再加上他們低調冷漠的風格,很自然地把 New Order 在 Depeche Mode 及 Erasure 等主流電音組合中區別出來。

<Subculture> 吸引我的是它的歌詞:

I like walking in the park
When it gets late at night
I move round in the dark
And leave when it gets light
I sit around by day
Tied up in chains so tight
These crazy words of mine
So wrong they could be right

What do I get out of this
I always try, I always miss
One of these days you’ll go back to your home
You won’t even notice that you are alone
One of these days when you sit by yourself
You’ll realise you can’t shaft without someone else
In the end you will submit
It’s got to hurt you a little bit

I like talking in my sleep
When people work so hard
They need what they can keep
A choice that leaves them scars
A room without a view
Unveils the truth so soon
And when the sun goes up
You’ve lost what you’ve had found

What do I get out of this
I always try, I always miss
One of these days you’ll go back to your home
You won’t even notice that you are alone
One of these days when you sit by yourself
You’ll realise you can’t shaft without someone else
In the end you will submit
It’s got to hurt you a little bit

What do I get out of this
I always try, I always miss
One of these days you’ll go back to your home
You won’t even notice that you are alone

低調、離群、灰色、絕望俱備。雖然後來有人說 “shaft” 這個字有色情意味,不過在我心中卻是另一種解釋。

編曲方面,前奏是 Gillian 的一輪高壓鍵琴,Peter Hook 的招牌低音接踵而來,然後就是 Bernard 的荒腔走板式吟唱。中段 Stephen Morris 的電鼓抽擊後,Peter 美妙的 bassline 夾雜著 Bernard 的急驟結他彈奏,在高潮中 Bernard 不斷重唱副歌,最後音樂驟停,”You won’t even notice that you are alone”。

New Order 好像沒有為此曲拍過 MV,在網上找不到,在他們的雙 DVD 集《Item》亦沒有收錄,不過上面 Youtube 的一個 Live 片段倒是不錯,末段結他 Jam 得頗有勁。

<Subculture>最好的版本是大碟版,在《Substance》收錄的十二吋版是 New Order 最混帳的 remix 之一(據聞 New Order 的御用封套設計師 Peter Saville 亦因此不肯為這張十二吋設計封套),之後再有幾個混音版都不能令我滿意,只有上面那個 Stephen Hague Remix 算是合格。

音樂 - 說一首好歌(一):情深緣淺
音樂 - 說一首好歌(三):深夜港灣

One Comment

  1. 回覆
    galaxy 2009 年 01 月 30 日

    oh……New Order, my all-time favorite !
    片段入面Bernard 的短恤摺袖,是八十年代的流行著法, 經典 !
    版主回覆:(01/30/2009 01:01:56 PM)


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