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    nor 2007 年 05 月 08 日

    I haven’t seen the program, but read an article in last month’s Vanity Fair on a similar topic. I think water provision is a very tough problem with real impact on people’s quality of life, but it is impossible to make a clear-cut case for or against privatization. In keeping with your promotion of a balanced view, I’d like to share with you a few thoughts:
    1. I disagree with you when you describe the WB and ADB are "hypocritical". Water resources have to be paid for, either through taxes or fees. In order to help countries build infrastructure, organizations like WB and ADB can either i) lend money to the local gov’t, which is often inexperienced and corrupt, or ii) lend money to the local gov’t and bring in foreign expertise, which is often accused of being a bully. Also, as there are multiple international providers of water services, we should not overlook the effect of competition in the negotiation of contract terms.
    2. As someone who has lived overseas, I have always been in awe of how efficient our gov’t is. Yes, as all bureaucracies in the world, the HK gov’t isn’t 100% efficient – but given the low amount of taxes we pay, the quality of service the HK people enjoy is an envy to the rest of the world.
    3. Wholeheartedly agreed.
    My view is that, given the importance of water resources, the gov’t and the people should have substantial oversight in the service provider, but the operation should be run on a commercial basis to ensure efficiency. Multilateral organizations like the WB and ADB should educate local gov’ts on the basics of water services and how to extract the most from a cooperation with foreigners.
    Last but not least, thanks for encouraging serious thinking on these serious issues in Hong Kong! I find the absence of such discourse from HK blogs a pity, because HK people are (in)famously sharp thinkers.
    版主回覆:(05/08/2007 01:55:00 PM)
    1. 可能我的用語過份苛刻,但WB及ADB在很多第三世界國家的行為,一向都是以第一世界的標準來行事,把西方的"開放市場"和"競爭"硬套入其他國家,而不理會文化和傳統的差別,結果是這些國家和西方企業的交易,一開始就有認知上的差距,事後則引來無休止的爭論。
    2. 我對香港政府的整體表演沒有太大的意見,但在工程行業久了,我對水務署有很深刻的體會,這個部門是所有工程部門中最官僚和低效率的一個,值得大力整頓。
    3. 同意你的見解,不過基於意識形態的不同,WB和ADB能否抽離第一世界的思維去參與其事,我則有些懷疑。

  2. 回覆
    supageti 2007 年 05 月 08 日

    版主回覆:(05/08/2007 06:43:07 AM)

  3. 回覆
    森林 2007 年 05 月 09 日

    我並沒有看港台的那個節目… 只想提出一些layman的看法.
    若將水務私企化, 在沒有競爭下, 如何確保公眾可以以合理的價錢享用"水"此必須品?
    若目標是要加強效率, 可否將之跟郵務一樣, 設立營運基金, 自負盈虧?
    長遠而言, 是否政府的民主化, 方可解決效率問題?
    版主回覆:(05/08/2007 10:01:03 AM)
    也可設立營運基金,不過在政府架構內人事任命,調撥款項,甚至物料供應等等均沒有自主權,部門首長太多制肘,始終不能達到私營化的效益。有興趣可看看"Public Sector Reform in HK (Anthony Cheung ed.)"這本書,前郵政署長就寫了一篇很精彩的回顧。

  4. 回覆
    nor 2007 年 05 月 09 日

    1. I agree with you that there is a huge gap between the culture of ADB and WB and the culture of its client countries. However, my view is that we should be focusing on making it work (e.g. exposing idiotic dealings of the WB or ADB that are results of cultural mismatch, force the banks to change course) rather than writing them off altogether.
    2. I have never dealt directly with WSD but have heard of tales of their bureaucracy… so I agree with you!
    3. Yeah… that’s the biggest problem of WB and ADB. It can never work as promised if its entire staff are from developed countries and are based several time zones away from its clients. ADB is headquartered in Manila, but from all I’ve heard… well its run by the Japanese, who suffered decades of stagnant economy because of… well, we all know how "good" their governance standards are.
    版主回覆:(05/09/2007 02:18:08 AM)


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