時評 – 高鐵撥款之爭
執筆之際,三項和廣深港客運專線 – 香港段(高鐵)有關的撥款,終於獲得財委會通過,這場持續接近一個月的撥款之爭,可說暫告一段落。
版主回覆:(10/22/2010 01:06:57 PM)
版主回覆:(01/17/2010 01:15:06 AM)
Thanks Jason …
I am from HK but am not living in HK right now … if you don’t mind, may ask you the following questions (’cause I know you are the expert in this area) :
1. Can we not have 高鐵 at all in HK?
2. If we must have a connection point in HK to link to China’s 高鐵, can we improve our existing railway infrastructure and link it to China’s 高鐵?
3. If we must have 高鐵 in HK, can we have a different location as the terminus?
4. Is $669億 too much for the section of 高鐵 in HK?
Look forward to your expert opinion on the above … much appreciated and thanks …
版主回覆:(01/17/2010 01:21:45 PM)
1. We have to admit that we are very much relying on the mainland. If we do not connect to the high speed network, then we are marginalizing ourselves and will lose our competitive edge against other mainland cities. That was why Britain had to build the Channel Tunnel to connect to the Europe.
2. The HK Government spent a few years to study whether we can use West Rail to run the Express Rail Link (XRL) trains. If you have traveled on the current through train to Guangzhou, you will know this will kill both the XRL and West Rail.
3. If high speed train terminus is not built right at the city centre, then it will not be competitive to air travel. The Kam Sheung Road option is not an option, why spent the money to build something at the city outskirt? We can just go to Shenzhen and take the high speed train there. There are no other land in the city centre that is big enough to accommodate the terminus.
4. It is expensive as the whole alignment is underground in order to protect the wetland at Mai Po. Secondly the West Kowloon Terminus is very deep because the entry tracks have to go underneath the current West Rail tracks at Tai Kok Tsui area. It was because Government did not wish to make a decision about the dedicated corridor for XRL (mentioned in 2 above) and built the Kowloon Southern Link tunnels shallow. It is a subject of itself and I may write another article on this.
高鐵大躍進 專家憂釀惡果(4月12日 明報): http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/100411/4/hfpm.html
高鐵施工致地陷(4月11日 大公報): http://www.takungpao.com.hk/news/10/04/11/images_0706-1241617.htm
版主回覆:(01/17/2010 03:21:16 PM)
"盲目建高鐵只會帶來大量污染,且地方不考慮實際乘客需求,恐怕日後會造成社會資源浪費,甚至是全面虧損" <-香港很有可能會是其中一員
"大規模建設高鐵令電力和煤炭需求急劇加大,原本內地規劃2020年用煤28億噸,但以高鐵興建情况來看,屆時起碼要50億噸煤,高鐵建設也已經進入一個只要發展不要環境的時期了" <-香港也將是幫兇之一
內地的情況,怎會跟香港沒關係? 所謂唇齒相依,內地的高鐵若有虧損,自然要加票價,這就會減低客量,間接影響香港高鐵客量。
版主回覆:(04/12/2010 02:13:17 PM)